Pacific Regional FATF Standards Training Course, 4-8 March 2019, Auckland New Zealand
A regional training course for Pacific members of the UFA on the FATF standards was held in Auckland, New Zealand from 4 - 8 March 2019.
The five-day course provided Pacific Island delegates with practical insights into key areas of the FATF recommendations, including:
- Risk in-context;
- International cooperation;
- Risk-based supervision;
- Preventative measures;
- Financial intelligence and investigations;
- Counter-terrorism financing, including NPOs and implementation of targeted financial sanctions;
- Counter-proliferation financing; and
- Beneficial ownership.
The course included practical exercises reflecting common challenges faced by competent AML/CFT-related authorities. Delegates were actively engaged with the issues and exercises with good teamwork displayed across multi-disciplinary teams from various jurisdictions.
The course was jointly hosted by New Zealand's Ministry of Justice, FATF Training and Research Institute (TREIN) and the UFA.
Funds from the Pacific AML/CFT Capacity Development Programme sponsored 11 delegates from all UFA Pacific Island jurisdictions, and 3 experts from FATF TREIN and the UFA. An expert from the NZ Police provided insight on investigations and asset confiscation.
The UFA thanks all those involved in the workshop.
![Regional Pacific FATF Standards Training Course, Auckland, New Zealand](../external.gif?link=