22nd UFA Typologies Workshop (Virtual), 2-5 February 2021
The workshop will bring together leading experts in the sphere of AML/CFT, including law enforcement, prosecutors, financial intelligence units, along with international, non-government and private sector organizations from across UFA regions, to share knowledge and expertise on trends in relation to ML/TF and AML/CFT implementation. The virtual workshop will have a plenary and two concurrent sessions focusing on projects approved by the membership at the 2019 UFA Typologies Workshop:
· Digital ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC)
This project is an UFA collaboration with the Alliance for Financial Stability with Information Technology and seeks to support the implementation of digital KYC including outreach and capacity building on applying the FATF Guidance on Digital ID published in March 2020.
· Financing and Facilitating Foreign Terrorist Fighters
This project is an UFA collaboration with the Global Center on Cooperative Security exploring the financial profiles of foreign fighters and returnees in Southeast Asia. The draft report will be shared with UFA members in advance of the UFA typologies workshop for feedback and review.
Registrations must be submitted through the registration form provided with the invitation no later than 22nd January 2021.