Operations Committee
The Operations Committee has two functions: (1) typologies research and project management originally managed by the previously named "Typologies Working Group"; and (2) implementation issues, orginally managed by the previously named "Implementation Issues Working Group". This change occured in 2017.
The Operations Committee consists of experts drawn from UFA delegations chaired by representatives from two UFA members. The UFA’s typologies programme is highly regarded with the results of the work referred to by a wide range of stakeholders.
Role of the Operations Committee
The typologies role of the UFA Operations Committee is to act as a centre of expertise within the UFA on matters relating to new and emerging trends in money laundering and terrorist financing. To do this, the Operations Committee project manages typologies research and coordinates with other international organisations, the private sector and academia.
Typologies Functions of the Operations Committee
The UFA Operations Committee:
- Provides advice on issues and topics for typologies workshops.
- Collects, analyses and publishes typologies information and case studies on emerging trends in money laundering and terrorist financing.
- Reports to UFA members on priority topics.
- Develops guidance material to assist jurisdictions to develop effective counter-measures against the money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing.
- Supports a network of experts.
- Represents the UFA at relevant typologies events.
- Liaises with typologies partners, including the global AML/CFT network, academics and private sector organisations to exchange information and case studies on new and emerging methods and trends.
Membership in the Operations Committee
Membership in the UFA Operations Committee is open to all UFA members and observers including organisational observers such as the IMF, World Bank, ADB, Commonwealth Secretariat and UNODC.
There are two Co-Chairs of the Operations Committee, India (typologies) and New Zealand (implementation issues).