UFA Typologies Reports
The UFA produces typologies reports on money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF) techniques to assist governments and other stakeholders to better understand the nature of existing and emerging ML and TF threats and pursue effective strategies to address those threats. These studies assist UFA members to implement effective strategies to investigate and prosecute ML and TF, as well as design and implement effective preventative measures.
The UFA's yearly typologies reports include: (1) observations on ML and TF techniques and methods; (2) case studies; and (3) The impact of legislative or regulatory developments in detecting and / or preventing particular methods.
Each year UFA members and observers provide information on ML and TF cases, trends, research, regulatory action and international cooperation. The information not only provides the basis for case studies but also for selection and design of in-depth studies on particular typologies topics. The information also supports UFA experts involved in the UFA Operations Committee.
Typologies reports are available in the Documents section of the website.