UFA Operations Committee
The Operations Committee has two functions: (1) typologies research and project managment originally managed by the previously named "Typologies Working Group"; and (2) implementation issues, orginally managed by the previously named "Implementation Issues Working Group". This change occured in 2017.
The Operations Committee consists of a dedicated group of practitioners, chaired by representatives from two UFA members. The UFA Strategic Plan 2016-2020 provides a continued mandate for an integrated approach to addressing implementation issues.
Purpose of the Operations Committee
One of the purposes of the Operations Committee is to assist UFA members to effectively implement the FATF 40 standards against money laundering and terrorist financing.
Functions of the Operations Committee
In order to achieve this purpose the Operations Committee:
- provides practical assistance to UFA members through the provision of post Mutual Evaluation Implementation materials and tools in collaboration with evaluated members and the DAP group. This assists members who have just been evaluated to systematically identify and meet compliance gaps identified in the mutual evaluation report;
- provides information and advice to donors and providers, including for example, the Egmont Group, to assist in the development of programmes to assist members to address practical implementation issues;
- liaises with relevant non-members and organisations (regional and international bodies) and, in particular, with the FATF's Evaluations and Compliance Group and Policy Development Group to exchange information and case studies on priority implementation issues; and
- undertakes joint projects with relevant bodies to develop practical implementation packages.
Membership in the Operations Committee
The Operations Committee comprises expert representatives from interested UFA members and observers, as well as supporting observer organisations such as the IMF, World Bank, ADB, Commonwealth Secretariat and UNODC.
The Committee is co-chaired by representatives of two UFA members. The current Co-Chairs are New Zealand (implementation issues) and India (typologies issues).