Working with us
The Pacific Technical Assistance (TA) team works closely with the UFA Donors and Providers Group to achieve PACD strategic goals and regularly engages independent experts to complete projects addressing identified AML/CFT needs in the Pacific. Examples of areas of focus include:
ML and TF risk assessments (broad or sectoral, e.g. review of ML/TF risks posed by legal persons and arrangements);
supervision and regulation of financial institutions and designated non-financial bodies and professions (e.g. casinos, remittance providers, lawyers, real estate agents);
policy development to counter de-risking and financial exclusion;
assistance to law enforcement agencies on the investigation of financial crime and asset recovery of proceeds of crime;
legislative drafting and review;
implementation of targeted financial sanctions relating to the financing of terrorism and the financing of proliferation of WMDs.
Information for prospective contractors/consultants
The Pacific TA team engages independent experts to complete specific projects and activities. If you are an expert in AML/CFT and have an interest in working in the Pacific region assisting the UFA Pacific members to more closely comply with the FATF standards, we encourage you to contact our offices to discuss opportunities to work with the Pacific TA team.
All UFA contracts are required to apply the Commonwealth Procurement Rules. For further information visit