Technical Assistance & Training

Strategic Plan 2017-2022

Strategic Plan 2017-2022

To meet the overall goal of the funding and to support the UFA strategic direction, the PACD Strategic Plan 2017-2020 has the following four strategic goals:

  • Strategic Goal 1: Be an effective technical assistance cell supporting implementation of the FATF standards and the work of the AML/CFT network in the Pacific.

  • Strategic Goal 2: National AML/CFT regimes are strengthened.

  • Strategic Goal 3: AML/CFT regulation is improved and enforced.

  • Strategic Goal 4: Increased detection, investigation and prosecution of ML/TF.

Business Plan 2019-20

Business Plan 2019-20




The Business Plan 2019-20 is the core operating document for the PACD programme and sets out a costed work plan of activities to the meet PACD strategic goals in 2019-20.